Pay Fines and Late Fees
Leominster Library Late Fines
Overdue fines may be paid by cash or check at any service desk at the library. They may also be paid online with a debit or credit card by accessing your account on our website.
Lost or Damaged Items
Lost or damaged billed items from the Leominster Library may not be partially paid. They must be paid in full. They may be paid for with cash or check at the Circulation desk or Children’s Room desk. They may also be paid online with a debit or credit card by accessing your account on our website.
Replacement of Lost or Damaged Leominster Items
There is an option for replacement of lost or damaged Leominster items. Please contact the Circulation Supervisor for details.
Lost or Damaged Non-Leominster Library Items
Repayment for non-Leominster Library items may be made online with a debit or credit card. Payment may also be made in the form of a check by contacting the Circulation Supervisor or Head of Children’s Services.